Remote Assessment
The assessment typically takes around 3 hours. It consists of a series of standardised tests that will highlight your areas of strength and difficulty, and suggest positive ways forward. Some areas covered include visual and verbal abilities, phonological awareness, working memory, processing speed, reading, writing, spelling and handwriting. Based upon the results of the assessment, along with background information that includes learning history and observations made, a dyslexia diagnosis is obtained.
On the day of the assessment, I will meet you online via Microsoft Teams. The link will be in the confirmation email you received when booking. Please note that you will need:
A device with a large (15-inch minimum) screen (phones / small tablets are not appropriate)
Good internet connectivity
You must be alone, in a quiet room with a microphone, headphones and webcam, and arrange not to be interrupted
Pen and paper
A mobile phone (not to be used during the assessment other than in case of connectivity issues and also to take pictures of certain pieces of your work when asked to do so and email them to me)
All assessment content must remain confidential and must not be shared by you with anyone else. I will record the remote session, but you should not record it nor should you take any screenshots or photos of the testing materials other than the ones I will ask you to
If you wear glasses for computer screens and reading you will need to wear them during the assessment. If it is your normal way of working to use a coloured overlay or glasses for reading, you will need to have these with you during the assessment, too.